邮箱: binchen@gzhu.edu.cn
陈斌,博士,讲师。2015年毕业于新西兰奥塔哥大学(University of Otago),获“自然地理学”专业博士学位。现任广州大学地理科学学院讲师。主要从事自然地理学的研究及教学工作。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项。
[1] 2018.01-2020.12,国家自然科学基金青年项目(41706091),“华南海岸典型砾石滩沉积物磨蚀与运移的动力机制”,经费24万。
[1] Bin Chen*, Zhongyuan Chen. Huayanpeng boulder beach of Putuo Island, southeast coast of China: characteristics and explanation. Frontiers of Earth Science in China. (2009) 3(3): 286-290 (SCI).
[2] Bin Chen, Zhongyuan Chen, Wayne Stephenson, Brian Finlayson. Morphodynamics of a boulder beach, Putuo Island, SE China coast: The role of storms and typhoon. Marine Geology. (2011) 283: 106-115 (SCI).
[3] Bin Chen*, Wayne Stephenson. Measuring pebble abrasion on a mixed sand and gravel beach using abrasion baskets. Geomorphology. (2015) 248: 24-32 (SCI).
[4] Wayne Stephenson,Larissa Naylor,Helen Smith,Bin Chen,Ralph Brayne. Wave Transformation Across a Macrotidal Shore Platform Under Low to Moderate Energy Conditions. Earth Surface Processes & Landforms. (2018) 43: 298-311 (SCI).