Lin Jinyao*, Wei Keqin, Guan Zifeng. Exploring the connection between morphological characteristic of built-up areas and surface heat islands based on MSPA. Urban Climate, 2024, 53: 101764. (SCI, ESI热点/高被引)
Huang Yuqin, Lin Jinyao*, He Xiaoyu, Lin Zhuochun, Wu Zhifeng*, Zhang Xinchang. Assessing the scale effect of urban vertical patterns on urban waterlogging: An empirical study in Shenzhen. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 2024, 106: 107486. (SSCI, ESI热点/高被引)
Xiao Yue, Lin Jinyao*, Zhang Xinyu, Zhang Manxian, Chen Wentao, Li Jiayue. Designing outdoor emergency rescue stations based on the spatiotemporal behavior of outdoor adventure tourists using GPS trajectory data. Safety Science, 2024, 175: 106497. (SCI)
Qiu Suixuan, Chen Zejia, Luo Huishan, Lin Jinyao*, Lu Siyan, Zhang Xinchang*. Evaluation of Impervious Surface Extraction Based on Qimingxing-1 Nighttime Light and Point of Interest Data. International Journal of Digital Earth, 2024, 17(1): 2430680. (SCI)
Lin Jinyao*, Zhang Wenli, Wen Youyue, Qiu Suixuan. Evaluating the association between morphological characteristics of urban land and pluvial floods using machine learning methods. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2023, 99: 104891. (SCI, ESI热点)
Lu Siyan, Xiao Yue, Lu Yifan, Lin Jinyao*. Spatialization of electricity consumption by combining high-resolution nighttime light remote sensing and urban functional zoning information. Geo-spatial Information Science, 2024. (SCI)
Huang Yuqin, Li Shaoying*, Lin Jinyao*, Zheng Lixuan, Zhuang Caigang, Guan Chutong, Guo Yanzhen, Zhuang Yaye. Nonlinear and threshold effects of urban building form on carbon emissions. Energy and Buildings, 2025, 329: 115243. (SCI)
Zhang Wenli, Qiu Suixuan, Lin Zhuochun, Chen Zhixin, Yang Yuchen, Lin Jinyao*, Li Shaoying*. Assessing the influence of green space morphological spatial pattern on urban waterlogging: A case study of a highly-urbanized city. Environmental Research, 2025, 266: 120561. (SCI)
Chen Juntao, Lin Zhuochun, Lin Jinyao*, Wu Dafang. Investigating the Spatial Distribution and Influencing Factors of Non-Grain Production of Farmland in South China Based on MaxEnt Modeling and Multisource Earth Observation Data. Foods, 2024, 13(21): 3385. (SCI)
Lin Jinyao, Li Xia*, Wen Youyue, He Peiting. Modeling urban land-use changes using a landscape-driven patch-based cellular automaton (LP-CA). Cities, 2023, 132: 103906. (SSCI, ESI高被引)
Lin Jinyao*, Qiu Suixuan, Tan Xiujuan, Zhuang Yaye. Measuring the relationship between morphological spatial pattern of green space and urban heat island using machine learning methods. Building and Environment, 2023, 228: 109910. (SCI, ESI高被引)
Li Hua#, Peng Yinuo#, Li Minying, Zhuang Yaye, He Xiaoyu, Lin Jinyao*. Analyzing spatial patterns and influencing factors of different illegal land use types within ecological spaces: A case study of a fast-growing city. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 424: 138883. (SCI)
Lin Jinyao*, Zeng Yijuan, He Yuqi. Spatial optimization with morphological spatial pattern analysis for green space conservation planning. Forests, 2023, 14(5): 1031. (SCI)
Li Minying, Lin Jinyao*, Ji Zhengnan, Chen Kexin, Liu Jingxi. Grid-scale poverty assessment by integrating high-resolution nighttime light and spatial big data—A case study in the Pearl River Delta. Remote Sensing, 2023, 15(18): 4618. (SCI)
Lin Jinyao*, Chen Qitong. Analyzing and simulating the influence of a water conveyance project on land use conditions in the Tarim River Region. Land, 2023, 12(11): 2073. (SSCI)
Lin Jinyao*, Zhuang Yaye, Zhao Yang, Li Hua, He Xiaoyu, Lu Siyan. Measuring the non-linear relationship between three-dimensional built environment and urban vitality based on random forest model. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2023, 20(1): 734. (SCI/SSCI)
Lin Jinyao*, Li Hua, Zeng Yijuan, He Xiaoyu, Zhuang Yaye, Liang Yingran, Lu Siyan. Estimating potential illegal land development in conservation areas based on a presence-only model. Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 321: 115994. (SCI)
Lin Jinyao*, He Peiting, Yang Liu, He Xiaoyu, Lu Siyan, Liu Danyuan. Predicting future urban waterlogging-prone areas by coupling the maximum entropy and FLUS model. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2022, 80: 103812. (SCI, ESI高被引)
Lin Jinyao*, Lu Siyan, He Xiaoyu, Wang Fang. Analyzing the impact of three-dimensional building structure on CO2 emissions based on random forest regression. Energy, 2021, 236: 121502. (SCI)
Lin Jinyao*, He Xiaoyu, Lu Siyan, Liu Danyuan, He Peiting. Investigating the influence of three-dimensional building configuration on urban pluvial flooding using random forest algorithm. Environmental Research, 2021, 196: 110438. (SCI)
Lin Jinyao*, Huang Chuling, Wen Youyue, Liu Xun. An assessment framework for improving protected areas based on morphological spatial pattern analysis and graph-based indicators. Ecological Indicators, 2021, 130: 108138. (SCI)
Lin Jinyao*, Luo Shuyi, Huang Yiqin. Poverty estimation at the county level by combining LuoJia1-01 nighttime light data and points of interest. Geocarto International, 2022, 37(12): 3590-3606. (SCI)
Lin Jinyao, Li Xia*, Li Shaoying, Wen Youyue. What is the influence of landscape metric selection on the calibration of land-use/cover simulation models? Environmental Modelling & Software, 2020, 129: 104719. (SCI)
Lin Jinyao*, Wan Huiyin, Cui Yutong. Analyzing the spatial factors related to the distributions of building heights in urban areas: A comparative case study in Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2020, 52: 101854. (SCI/SSCI)
Lin Jinyao, Wu Zhifeng, Li Xia*. Measuring inter-city connectivity in an urban agglomeration based on multi-source data. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2019, 33(5): 1062-1081. (SCI/SSCI)
Lin Jinyao*, Li Xia. Large-scale ecological red line planning in urban agglomerations using a semi-automatic intelligent zoning method. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2019, 46: 101410. (SCI/SSCI)
Lin Jinyao*, Wu Weihao. Investigating the land use characteristics of urban integration based on remote sensing data: Experience from Guangzhou and Foshan. Geocarto International, 2019, 34(14): 1608-1620. (SCI)
Lin Jinyao*, Chen Tongli, Han Qiazi. Simulating and predicting the impacts of light rail transit systems on urban land use by using cellular automata: a case study of Dongguan, China. Sustainability, 2018, 10(4): 1293. (SCI/SSCI)
Lin Jinyao, Li Xia*. Conflict resolution in the zoning of eco-protected areas in fast-growing regions based on game theory. Journal of Environmental Management, 2016, 170: 177-185. (SCI)
Lin Jinyao, Li Xia*. Knowledge transfer for large-scale urban growth modeling based on Formal Concept Analysis. Transactions in GIS, 2016, 20(5): 684-700. (SSCI)
Lin Jinyao, Li Xia*. Simulating urban growth in a metropolitan area based on weighted urban flows by using web search engine. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2015, 29(10): 1721-1736. (SCI/SSCI)
Lin Jinyao, Liu Xiaoping*, Li Kai, Li Xia. A maximum entropy method to extract urban land by combining MODIS, NDVI, and DMSP-OLS data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2014, 35(18): 6708-6727. (SCI)
Li Xia*, Lin Jinyao, Chen Yimin, Liu Xiaoping, Ai Bin. Calibrating cellular automata based on landscape metrics by using genetic algorithms. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2013, 27(3): 594-613. (SCI/SSCI)
Huang Ziwei, Li Shaoying*, Gao Feng, Wang Fang, Lin Jinyao, Tan Ziling. Evaluating the performance of LBSM data to estimate the gross domestic product of China at multiple scales: A comparison with NPP-VIIRS nighttime light data. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 328: 129558. (SCI)
Lai Zhipeng, Li Shaoying*, Lin Jinyao, Li Haibo. Fine-scale simulation of spatial population distribution by coupling GA-ABM and big data: a case study of Dongguan, China. Transactions in GIS, 2023, 27(4): 1263-1286. (SSCI)
Huang Shuqi, Wu Dafang*, Pan Yueling, Lin Jinyao, Zhou Ping. A Study on the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Land Cover Change and Carbon Storage in the Northern Gulf Economic Zone of Guangxi Based on the InVEST Model. Atmosphere, 2024, 15(11): 1332. (SCI)
Huang Shuqi, Wu Dafang*, Lin Jinyao, Pan Yueling, Zhou Ping. Analysis of the spatiotemporal changes in cropland occupation and supplementation area in the Pearl River Delta and their impacts on carbon storage. Land, 2024, 13(8): 1195. (SSCI)
林锦耀, 黎夏*. 基于空间自相关的东莞市主体功能区划分. 地理研究, 2014, 33(2): 349-357. (CSSCI/CSCD)
何珮婷, 刘丹媛, 卢思言, 何小钰, 李桦, 杨柳, 林锦耀*. 基于最大熵模型的深圳市内涝影响因素分析及内涝风险评估. 地理科学进展, 2022, 41(10): 1868-1881. (CSSCI/CSCD)
卢奕帆, 林锦耀*. 城市协同发展对粮食生产区域的影响预测——以珠三角城市群为例. 自然资源学报, 2023, 38(6): 1532-1549. (CSSCI/CSCD)
卢奕帆, 梁颖然, 卢思言, 肖钺, 何小钰, 林锦耀*. 结合“珞珈一号”夜间灯光与城市功能分区的广州市碳排放空间分布模拟及其影响因素分析. 地球信息科学学报, 2022, 24(6): 1176-1188. (EI/CSCD)
何小钰, 庄雅烨, 邱穗萱, 李桦, 招扬, 卢思言, 林锦耀*. 城市三维空间结构对碳排放影响的尺度效应. 生态学报, 2024, 44(2): 612-624. (CSCD)
林锦耀*, 杨柳, 胡悦, 温宥越, 肖钺. 城市多维空间格局对PM2.5浓度的影响机制研究——以广州深圳为例. 生态科学, 2023. (CSCD)
陈绮桐, 林锦耀*. 多情景下珠三角土地利用变化对生态系统服务影响预测. 生态与农村环境学报, 2024, 40(5): 612-621. (CSCD)
刘迅, 廖珊慧, 李智恒, 林华威, 张驰方, 林锦耀*. 基于MSPA分析绿地形态空间格局对PM2.5的消退作用——以广州市、深圳市为例. 生态科学, 2024, 43(3): 186-195. (CSCD)
唐粤琦, 梁颖然, 麦杰铭, 林锦耀*. 结合随机森林与多源空间大数据的建筑物功能识别. 智能建筑与智慧城市, 2022, (6): 41-45.
陈俊韬, 林锦耀*. 基于地理探测器的耕地破碎化影响因素分析——以广州市为例. 湖北农业科学, 2023, 62(5): 14-21.
叶志超, 胡盈盈, 罗淑仪, 林锦耀*, 冯艳芬. 结合随机森林与地理探测器的村域贫困分布格局及其分异机制分析. 安徽农业科学, 2021, 49(2): 248-256.
刘迅, 廖珊慧, 黎焯轩, 朱敏珍, 李汶轩, 林锦耀*. 顾及城市功能区的建成环境对城市活力的影响——以广州中心城区为例. 智能建筑与智慧城市, 2023, (2): 58-63.
李敏莹, 曾怡娟, 许倩妮, 彭一诺, 何育琪, 林锦耀*. 土地利用形态学空间格局对PM2.5与CO2的协同影响. 中国资源综合利用, 2023, 41(6): 175-181.
胡娟, 何梓欣, 杨敏, 龙芍男, 林歆雨, 林锦耀*. 基于MSPA和电路理论的珠三角核心城市通风廊道构建. 智能城市, 2023, 9(9): 1-5.
彭一诺, 罗忆帆, 招扬, 张健明, 李泳芯, 李桦, 林锦耀*. 顾及建筑功能的城市建筑屋顶与立面光伏潜力评估. 智能建筑与智慧城市, 2023, (8): 113-116.
肖建能, 杜国明*, 施益强, 温宥越, 姚杰, 高宇婷, 林锦耀. 厦门市环境空气污染时空特征及其与气象因素相关分析. 环境科学学报, 2016, 36(9): 3363-3371. (CSCD)
温宥越, 林锦耀, 王旻之, 蔡建武, 梁旻轩, 潘翠红, 冯丽晶. 一种耦合景观格局的臭氧浓度预测模型. 专利, 申请号: 202110856662.9, 授权公告号: CN113553551B, 授权公告日: 2024-02-02. (已授权)