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  • 国土空间规划

  • 地理空间信息分析与建模

  • 生态风险评价及环境影响评估


  • 1999.092003.06 湖北省经济学院,计算机科学与技术, 本科

  • 2006.092008.06, 南京农业大学,社会学,硕士研究生

  • 2012.092017.12,武汉大学,土地资源管理,博士研究生

  • 2003.082006/07,湖北省建设厅—卓越建筑集团,勘测及测绘工作

  • 2008.082012.05, 南京农业大学,科研秘书等职

  • 2018.08-2021.05 广州大学,地理科学学院, 博士后

  • 2021.06,广州大学,地理科学与遥感学院,讲师


[1]  第二次全国土地调查核查成果数据缩编工作,本人承担贵州省安顺市西秀区、普定县;六盘水市钟山区;湖南省绥宁县、永兴县五个县区的缩编任务(2012-2013

[2]  十二五科技支撑项目,地理国情监测技术研究(项目编号2012BAH28B02),本人主要参与城市生态系统内部因素响应关系与生态环境影响评价研究“多尺度人文地理国情要素监测技术研究”(2012-2016

[3]  地理国情时空数据挖掘关键技术与典型示范应用,测绘地理信息公益性行业科研专项(2013-2014

[4]  国土资源部公益性行业科研专项项目《典型城镇村节地技术研究与示范》(项目编号: 201111014),武汉大学资源与环境学院科研团队承担其子课题《典型城--村节地标准编制关键技术研究》(2012

[5]  顾及环境变量和样本空间依赖的滨湖农田土壤有机碳近地高光谱建模策略研究(项目批准号415014442016-2018

[6]  苏州市科技计划项目(应用基础研究计划—农业部分):农田土壤重金属污染诊断研究(2014-2017

[7]  武汉大学研究生院创新研究课题:土地科学方法论教学改革(2013/09-2015/09);《遥感制图》课程建设与教学改革(2015/09-2018/09




  • K. Guo, X.C. Zhang, J.M. Liu, Z.F. Wu, M. Chen, Y.Y. Chen, and K.X. Zhang. 2020. Establishment of an integrated decision-making method for planning the ecological restoration of terrestrial ecosystems. Science of the Total Environment. 741. 139852.

  • K. Guo, X.J. Liang, X.C. Zhang, R.B. Luo, T.Q. Qiu, Z.H. He, K.X. Zhang. 2023. Development of an adverse outcome pathways approach for land resource and environment management at the regional scale. Ecological Indicators. 157.111210.

  • K. Guo, X.C. Zhang, X. Kuai, Z.F. Wu, Y.Y. Chen, and Y. Liu. 2021. A spatial Bayesian-network approach as a decision-making tool for ecological-risk prevention in land ecosystems. Ecological Modelling.

  • K. Guo, Y. Y. Chen, M. Chen, C.J. Wang, Z.Y. Chen, W.N. Cai, R.J. Li, W.M. Feng, and M. Jiang. 2022. Causal analysis of ecological impairment in land ecosystem on a regional scale: Applied to a mining city Daye, China. Land.

  • K. Guo, M. Chen, X.C. Zhang, Y. Liu, W.N. Cai, H. Wu, Z.Y. Chen, Y. Y. Chen, and J. G. Zhang. 2021. Regional Land Eco-Security Evaluation for the Mining City of Daye in China Using the GIS-Based Grey TOPSIS Method. Land.

  • K. Guo, Z.H. He, X.J. Liang, X.W. Chen, R.B. Luo, T.Q. Qiu and K.X. Zhang. 2023. Examining Relationships between Regional Ecological Risk and Land Use Using the Granger Causality Test Applied to a Mining City, Daye, China. Land, 12, 2060.

  • K. Guo, X.J. Wei., Y.Y. Chen, W.N. Cai, G. Jian, and X.C. Zhang. 2022. A PETAR method for risk assessment of human health and environment on the regional scale. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health.

  • Kai Guo, Xi Kuai, Yiyun Chen, Lin Qi, Lei Zhang and Yanfang Liu. Risk assessment of land ecology on a regional scale: Application of the relative risk model to the mining city of Daye, China. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment.

  • K. Guo, Y. F. Liu, C. Zeng, Y. Y. Chen, and X. J. Wei. Global research on soil contamination from 1999 to 2012: A bibliometric analysis. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Plant Soil Science.

  • Liu, YL; Jiang, QH; Fei, T; Wang, JJ; Shi, TZ; Guo, K; Li, XR; Chen, YY. Transferability of a Visible and Near-Infrared Model for Soil Organic Matter Estimation in Riparian Landscapes. Remote sensing.

  • Cheng, H., Wan, Y., Chen, YY., Wan, QJ., Shi, TZ., Shen, RL., Guo, K., Hu, JM. 2018. Study on the Characteristics and Mechanism of Visible and Near Infrared Reflectance Spectra of Soil Heavy Metals. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis.

  • Kai Guo, Xi Kuai, Yiyun Chen, Lin Qi, Lei Zhang and Yanfang Liu. Risk assessment of land ecology on a regional scale: Application of the relative risk model to the mining city of Daye, China. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment. 2016, 18(4):705-732  (SCI).

  • K. Guo, Y. F. Liu, C. Zeng, Y. Y. Chen, and X. J. Wei. Global research on soil contamination from 1999 to 2012: A bibliometric analysis. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica,  Section B - Plant Soil Science.2014, 64(5): 377-391 (SCI).

  • Liu, YL; Jiang, QH; Fei, T; Wang, JJ; Shi, TZ; Guo, K; Li, XR; Chen, YY*. 2014. Transferability of a Visible and Near-Infrared Model for Soil Organic Matter Estimation in Riparian Landscapes. Remote sensing 6(5):4305-4322 (SCI).

  • CHENG Hang, WAN Yuan, CHEN Yi-yun, WAN Qi-jin, SHI Tie-zhu, SHEN Rui-li, GUO Kai, HU Jia-meng. 2018. Study on the Characteristics and Mechanism of Visible and Near Inf rared Reflectance Spectra of Soil Heavy Metals. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 38, 3 (SCI).

  • 郭凯,李群等. 2008. 陇东黄土高原生态环境状况调查. 武汉大学学报(哲学社会科学版)61(3), 157-160.

  • 郭凯,李群等. 2008. 美国私人基金会资助科学事业的特点分析及启示. 中国科学论坛(7), 15-19.


[1]  陈奕云;  吴子豪;  刘以;  郭凯;  胡家蒙;  郭龙. 一种顾及土壤有机碳密度空间异质性的克里格插值模型,  2017.05.16, 中国, CN201710345309.8  (专利)

陈奕云 ;  赵瑞瑛;  胡珊;  吴子豪;  郭凯;  刘以.  一种土壤全氮光谱估算模型校正样本集构建方法, 2017.04.20, 中国, CN201710263063.X  (专利)
